That is my favorite definition for repentance. I visualize a person actually turning their back on darkness and facing the Light.
When we get to the point where we want to repent, we must:
First, have a correct understanding of God and what He wants us to do.
Second, we must recognize those things that we must change, feel truly sorry, and desire to be better.
Third, we confess our sins to God through prayer and ask for forgiveness. Also confessing serious sins to authorized leaders is necessary to help us.
Fourth, we do all we can to correct the problems our actions may have caused.
As we repent and change, our perspective on life changes. We feel more love for ourselves and no longer feel guilty and powerless. If we sincerely repent, we turn away from our sins and resist any desire to commit sin. We can feel God's sweet forgiveness and peace. The Spirit of God rests upon us and gives us understanding and strength.
He is the light that gives us perspective in this world of darkness. It can be so hard to turn away from our past mistakes and not look back...those things feel like they were a part of us, and sometimes we really don't want to give them up. Our love of God urges us to repent. Every one of us needs to repent in some way. I have needed it (and constantly need to do it), and am so grateful for it. When I have gone through these steps for repentance it feels like Satan's hold on me weakens and I am strengthened through Christ. It is a gradual process and takes a lot of effort, but of course it is worth it.
"Except for the sins of those few who choose perdition after having known a fulness, there is no sin that cannnot be forgiven."
"Repent--That I May Heal You"
Elder Neil L. Anderson
Scripture Study
We All Sin
Romans 3:23
1 John 1:7-8
Alma 34:8-17
D&C 58:42-43
D&C 61:2
2 Corinthians 7:9-10
Bible Dictionary: "Repentance"
Redemption and Forgiveness
Helaaman 5:10-11
Mercy Claims the Penitent
Alma 12:32-35
Alma 42:13, 21-24
D&C 18: 10-13
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