
"There is power in our love for God and for His children, and when that love is tangibly manifest in millions of acts of Christian kindness, it will sweeten and nourish the world with the life sustaining nectar of faith, hope, and charity" -Elder M. Russell Ballard (Click on the picture to read this great talk!)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sweet Blessings

What blessings come through the gospel of Jesus Christ?

I like the scripture Ecclesiastes 11:1:  "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days."  Ok, that's a little odd, right?  Why on earth would I cast perfectly good bread in the water, just to get soggy and then have the tide bring it back in later.  Well, that is the image that came to my mind, anyway.

I thought about this passage and imagined I had been asked to give something necessary, food or money, away to someone in need.  A part of my brain might think that I'm throwing something away and what a waste that would be!  If I have the faith that no good deed goes unnoticed, than I might just notice in some little way that I am blessed in return.  If I'm not paying close attention, I might not notice it at all!

I'm reading a book called "Everyday Miracles-True Stories About God's Hand in Our Lives" by Jay A. Parry.  It's full of sweet, simple blessings that express God's love for His children.  It quotes a saying: "Cast your bread upon the waters, and after many days it will return--buttered" (p. 3).  I like that image better than the soggy bread image :)

That was a little tangent to what I am actually posting, but I felt like I needed to share it, especially at this time of year when the spirit of giving is fresh in our hearts.  Alright, now the heart of the message is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings blessings upon all who embrace it.  I have to share it, and even though it is not material, I do believe I'll be blessed in return.  There are many lives who have been touched and renewed by the light of Christ.  Those who are lost in spiritual darkness have been found and accepted the good news.

Families are especially blessed through the gospel and are so important not just for this life, but for eternity.  We believe that the bond that is made here on earth with our families can be carried on even after death!  Families are life's greatest treasure and lasting happiness can be found therein.  The home is the best place to teach, learn and apply principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it can be a place of refuge and safety.  It can be a place where the Spirit of the Lord can be to bless the family with peace.  Prophets have revealed God's plan of happiness for individuals and families in our day (See Preach my Gospel, 32). Here are some places you can find out more:

Plan of Salvation

The Family Proclaimation

Of things that Matter Most

Fun videos: Bad Hair Day, By the Hour

And here's a song I like just because: Truth Reflects Upon our Senses

Please share my blog (not because of my words, basically just for the links :).  The simple truths of the gospel are priceless.  There is nothing more important that you could share with your friends and families.  Hey, why not throw it out there and see what sweet blessings come flowing back to you.  Have a wonderful week!

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